Pour Me a Divorce could not be a more fitting title for a story of a 25+ year marriage and blended family that had everything going for them except for the one liquid ingredient - alcohol. Author and resilience researcher, Dr. Sherilyn Marrow writes her own compelling story including a compilation of other couples' stories and spells out clearly what multitudes of addictive families experience. Shockingly, one in eight adults in the United States suffers from alcoholism. So, with that, how does it impact their partners and families? This author shares words of wisdom via revealing relational 'alert buttons' to watch out for, how she survived this deadly disease of her soulmate, and how all the ways the 'pouring' of a divorce can strip one of themselves. While those in addictive relationships often hear the complex question "Why would you stay?", the answer is tenderly clear in this non-fictional 'sweet 'n sour' memoir. Separating from an addictive relationship often characterized as 'when it is good, it is very good, but' ...' is never as easy as one might think. Real advice is never as clearly spelled out in the law as one might think. This book gives us insight into the harsh realities of not only watching how addictions can grow and tear apart families, but also how individuals can become fiercely resilient during these times, with or without divorce, and not lose so much - for love. It is a 'must-read' for anyone who is in a problem-drinking or addictive relationship and ready for positive change.
- Publisher : Expressville Books (May 21, 2019)
- Publication date : May 21, 2019
- Language : English
- File size : 267 KB
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Screen Reader : Supported
- Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
- X-Ray : Not Enabled
- Word Wise : Enabled
- Print length : 160 pages